TOMIS Chatbot - Google Analytics 4

The TOMIS Chatbot will automatically send GA4 events to all GA4 tags found on the site. No configuration required.

The TOMIS Chatbot will intelligently recognize all GA4 tags installed on your website and will automatically send relevant events to your GA4 property. 

Automatically tracked events: 

  • chatbot_message_received_automated - Tracks all messages sent by the Chatbot to the customer, including the “Welcome Message”. This is the most-frequent event, because it doesn't require any customer interaction.
  • chatbot_window_opened - Tracks when window is opened (by clicking on chat icon)

  • chatbot_window_closed - Tracks when window is closed

  • chatbot_message_sent_customer - Tracks all customer messages sent to the Chatbot

  • chatbot_clicked_phone - Tracks when a customer clicks a phone number

  • chatbot_clicked_email - Tracks when a customer clicks an email address

  • chatbot_clicked_url - Tracks when a customer clicks a url that is not an email or phone number

Additional events, depending on configuration:

  • chatbot_check_availability_link_click - Tracks when a customer clicks an available time for an upcoming trip, using the TOMIS Check Availability feature (supported by select reservation systems)

  • chatbot_lead_captured_sms - Tracks when a customer has requested to speak with a human via SMS Chat. Your Chatbot must be configured to transition to a human. 


Sending GA4 events to a single GA4 property

As mentioned above, the TOMIS Chatbot will automatically send events to ALL GA4 tags found on your website. In general, websites should only have a single GA4 tag. If you have only a single GA4 property, no additional configuration is required.

If you want the Chatbot to send GA4 events to a single GA4 property instead of ALL tags, you need to modify the TOMIS Chatbot code wherever it is installed, like this:

<script src=""></script>
  var tomis = TOMIS({
    site: "tomis-site-id",  // your TOMIS site-id
    googleAnalyticsId: "G-XXXXXXXX" // add this line, using your GA4 Measurement ID

If you need assistance with modifying your Chatbot code, please contact and we will be happy to assist.