Conversation review log is located in your TOMIS app under Marketing HQ > ChatBot
There is a conversation log review located in your TOMIS app under Marketing HQ → ChatBot
Tracking review process:
Every conversation has 3 fields specifically for tracking this review process: Reviewed, Has Positive Outcome, and Needs Attention
- Reviewed
Setting this to 'true' indicates that someone has completed reading this conversation. Until this is 'true', Has Positive Outcome and Needs Attention should be ignored for this conversation, because we can assume it hasn't been reviewed yet. The other two fields should never be true if this one isn't. - Needs Attention
Indicates that the reviewer found a problem with one or more of the chatbot responses. If you mark this true for a conversation, make sure to fill out the Notes section of the conversation to indicate what the issue is and what needs to be done to fix it. - Positive Outcome
Indicates that this conversation had a generally positive outcome, i.e. the user got the information they were looking for. This doesn't necessarily mean that there were no No Match intents or no incorrect matches.
These fields are managed manually.
Begin reviewing conversations:
- Start at the top of the bot review page and work your way down from most recent conversations to oldest conversation. The more conversations reviewed, the better we can train the bot.
- Use the calendar to select the dates of conversations you would like to see
- Review all conversations and flag conversations accordingly (refer to descriptions above for what each field means)
- As you read through conversations; look at the customer question to see if it matches the intent that triggered the answer, and if the customer continued to have a positive conversation when asking the bot questions.
Use Note box when you have marked Needs Attention. This helps Bot Squad see what changes are needed, what links should be added and if the answer needs to be updated
- It is possible for a conversation to be marked both with Has Positive Outcome and Needs Attention.